Possible WfE Casting News! Meet Catherine Hale

Imdb.com is reporting that the role of Catherine Hale will be played by Karynn Moore. She’s gorgeous and I was struck immediately by her resemblance to Reese Witherspoon which, of course, brought this quote from the book to mind.  Chapter 3, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.

“I’m searching in vain for an elephant when my eyes come to an abrupt stop on a woman. She looks so much like Catherine I catch my breath – the plane of her face, the cut of her hair, the slim thighs I’ve always imagined were under Catherine’s staid skirts.”

Karynn Moore

Don’t know who Catherine Hale is?? *gasp* You haven’t read Water for Elephants yet?? Click the Amazon button in the sidebar to buy a copy… you will not be disappointed. 

As always we’ll file this under “possible casting news” until confirmed. *Wishes for a tweet from Francis Lawrence* Wonder what scenes they’re shooting now… 😉


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11 Responses to Possible WfE Casting News! Meet Catherine Hale

  1. tinkrbe1l3 says:

    she’s cute! lucky girl 😉

  2. Elizabeth says:

    What a pretty girl. Wish it was me. sigh…

  3. Laís Tavares says:

    Yes, she is gorgeous and resembles Reese. Lucky girl and lucky Rob to work with her.

  4. mel says:

    lovely girl…great cast! i’m dying to see WFE…hope December, 2010 rumor is true

    • Sue says:

      I believe WFE wont be out til Spring 2011…the December 2010 date is probably for the other film that Rob just finished awhile back, Bel Ami.

  5. Lisa says:

    Just finished the book last week. What an awesome book it is! My mom is reading it now before I have to return it to the library. I will have to buy a copy of it next time I am near a book store. I cannot wait for the movie to come out. I can totally see Rob as Jacob and Reese as Marlena. I think Hal Holbrook as old Jacob is a great choice too. This Karynn above does look a lot like Reese.

  6. Debbie says:

    Do you think they’ll show her making Jacob stop when he doesn’t want to stop? Oh, and she does look amazingly like Reese Witherspoon.

  7. Wow must really be Catherine … she is beautiful this girl …
    Congratulations for the wonderful work of you with the site! Wonderful site and news!

  8. lemonie says:

    Just finished the book – WFE brilliant – think Christopher Waltz will be amazing as August – just the right mix of charisma and brutishness. Also think Reese and Rob will fit perfectly and as for Tai!!!!! Congrats Ladies on a lovely site!

  9. ndnwmn says:

    Good Grief…This young lady must be related to Reese Witherspoon…What a beauty…Perfect casting…and btw…I do remember Catherine Hale… 🙂

  10. TrendHater73 says:

    I’m super excited for this film. The more news we get, the more excited I get. Reese was never how I pictured Marlena, but now she’s the only Marlena I can accept lol. This girl looks a lot like her! She’s adorable 🙂 Can’t wait for this movie to hit theaters. Squeeee! Haha

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